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110 lines
CleanPWD A utility help clean up your PASSWORD.FD file.
(c) 1995 Hans Siemons / Prime Productions.
║ Introduction
Well, I run my bulletin board for quite a few years now and since
that time I suspected my password.fd to be full with nonsence.
There are three obvious faults that can be easily detected:
* The node is not listed.
* On one system more then one password is defined.
* One password is used for more then one system.
The last two situations could indicate that a nodenumber of the
system you put a password on was past on to somebody else.
This program will read your password file, and report all unlisted
nodes. Further, it will report the entire password file sorted on
sysop name and sorted on password. With this report you can easily
clean up your password file.
║ Usage
Here's how to use it...
CLEANPWD >report.txt
CleanPwd just writes it's report to standard output, just redirect
output to a file and voila, there's your report.
CleanPwd will only read your password.fd file, it is your job to
clean it up. The report just helps a lot!
║ Technical notes
CleanPwd is not really multiline aware, it is ment for a cleanup
once in a while. It could work when all lines are running, but I
don't know. It reads your Frontdoor indexes and also support the
private nodelist in FDNODE.FDA.
║ Legal stuff / standard disclaimer
■ In no event shall Prime Productions nor Hans Siemons nor any
of our support sites be liable to you or anyone else for any
damage directly or indirectly caused by CleanPWD. Prime Pro-
ductions and Hans Siemons guarantee that no code is made to
deliberately damage yours or any else his system.
■ All executables and documents are copyrighted 1995 by Hans
Siemons and Prime Productions. You may however share UNMODI-
FIED copies of this product, as long as no money is charged
or accepted.
■ CleanPWD is distributed under the postware concept. If you
like this program, please send a postcard from your hometown
or another nice card to:
Hans Siemons
P.O. Box 6599
4802 HN, Breda.
The Netherlands.
■ All brands and product names named in this documentation are
trademarks or registered trademarks of there respective
║ Contacting the author
The author can be contacted in different ways:
Fidonet 2:512/149
Internet hans@prime.morgana.nl
Bulletin board/fax : +31-76-715391.
Snail mail:
Hans Siemons, Prime Productions.
P.O. Box 6599
4802 HN, Breda
The Netherlands.
If you want voice support just drop me a message with your voice
phone#. I will call you collect then!
║ History log
v1.00 - First release